Monday, April 23, 2012

Little Messages

While cleaning up a trashy pile today, I noticed a phrase cut serendipitously from one of the old books I frequently use for collage.

"Leave space for these to be." I had to stop and just read the phrase to myself a few times. I thought about how often I fill the empty space in my life, instead of allowing the space to just exist. I'm stuck in an Ikea of the mind. Before long, my cart is filled with things I could not leave behind. Every corner of my brain is filled with mental doodads I have culled from the bargain bins of life. Some of it is indeed treasure, but most of it needs to be out on the driveway at the next yard sale.
What would happen if I left some room up there? What might I learn or hear or see differently?

 The thrill of my find enticed me into looking for more little messages among the clutter. So the hunt began. I sorted through torn sections and cut interesting phrases. I put them together and made bad poems.

I like the way these little messages get my mind going in a new direction. I guess this is just another way to see things in another way - always welcome in my world, where it seems like lately I am tired of everything.

It's time to leave some space for countless hours of delightful.


  1. Wishing you loads of space and PILES of delightful!

  2. After just spending a week clearing clutter from our little cabin and finding wall space again, I totally agree, space is a good thing. I'm with you finding mental space - what a lovely thought :)

  3. Having a think here about the context that the sentence "Arrange the body in groups of three" could possibly be. Thanks for getting my brain revved and my eyes fed, as always. Wishing you a good week.


  4. "Leave a space these to be" sound so profound. Love it! Very thoughtful post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and phrases.

  5. I am loving your bad(not so much in my book) poetry and the spaces between. I too am trying to put most of what I don't need on the curb for the yard sale and leave room for whatever the universe wants to bring in. Isn't it the Aborigine who believe that everything happens in the spaces in between? xox

  6. I love finding meaning in phrases from books. I often title my paintings from the paper words I have included in them. Love your creativity!

  7. Well Hello, I am so happy I have just found your blog and wow I loved this read so much I read it trice(?)...And lady I love all that amazing creative paper craft you do. Don't ever stop. I am on your follow list as of in two minutes when I finish this comment. You had me at Ikea! Would love you to pop on over and say hi. x Roberta

  8. Love your post today... But actually, I looked over your last four posts and loved them, too. Your work is lovely. Especially like the stitching on paper. I have done a simple verso of that on some cards and really like the feel of it as well. Thanks for the inspiration! Have a great day :)

  9. I too can get overcrowded in my head. I love your poems.

  10. Thanks you so much for leaving a comment on my Adirondack Chair blog...I love colour and Mexico is one amazing colourful country (the good part)

  11. jenny, left you a response on my blog... but saw you were from roswell... do you know the taylor kinzel gallery? mary means, co-owner, is a high school classmate of mine from virginia! small world. anyway, I actually have a question about using news print on my floorcloths and thought you might be able to help. email me sometime. thanks!

  12. The little message series is a delight. Thanks so much for your comments on my Dad's book. And yes, it's perfect weather for being outdoors at the moment.

  13. I love serendipitous little messages like these! We actually named our daughter based upon our fortune cookies, believe it or not. We were out with friends and at the end of the meal our fortune cookies each had a word to learn in Chinese on the back. Collectively, our fortunes were: "My Daughter Bean Sprout." So we decided that her middle name should be Cora (a bean sprout and also a girl's name.) Serendipity!

    1. I love this story! And what an adorable little girl name. She will always treasure the story of her name.
