I've been working on developing a new creative path for myself lately. I've been a bit stuck on what direction to take next. Where should I focus? Should I be doing this? What about that? Maybe this! Hey that looks sparkly! Wait, what about that? Ugh! I'm not moving fast enough! ... Can anyone relate?
I love the way Oliver Jeffers' story so perfectly illustrates how I feel lately...
Ok, so maybe a more professional approach might help.
My business-minded husband recently forwarded a great article from Forbes that I think addresses the topic. The article is called "Three (Incredibly Simple) Questions The Most Successful People Use To Change The World" by Mike Maddock. (I know, I know. I was really just looking for advice on how to get out of my fuzzy socks and get motivated, but hey, I am happy to change the world as well.)
The questions are perfect for un-sticking of any kind.
1) What's the outcome I want?
2) What stands in my way? (and what is my plan for combating that?)
3) Who has it figured out already?
pretty thought provoking, eh?
A final approach... the art-making kind. For this approach, I am turning to a creativity expert, Noah Scalin. I've got a copy of his book, Unstuck, and have found it to be a great resource in times of wuh?
Today I decided to spend a few minutes writing six-word memoirs. Have you ever done this? It's quite a blast once you get rolling. If you don't know about six-word memoirs, check out SMITH Magazine for mountains of personal sharing in the six-word memoir format.
But then they got more thoughtful...
And that's when I realized that maybe I wasn't really stuck. I was just tired.
So... I am in my fuzzy socks, dipping a chocolate bar into the jar of peanut butter. Yum.