Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Adding Shapes to Layers

Collage update: Shapes have appeared. 
I am going to call this piece "Relics."

The free online dictionary defines relic: 
Something that has survived the passage of time, 
especially an object or custom whose original culture has disappeared.

What do you see? 
Belt Buckle?
Seed Pod?
Erector Set Piece?
Hair Pin?

Where were these relics found? 
Under a couch cushion? 
In a vacuum bag? 
On another planet? 
In the dirt 100 years from now?

And who found them?

"Try as you will, you cannot annihilate that eternal relic of the human heart, love."
Victor Hugo

I am going to sit with the piece for a while. Not sure if it is done yet. 
It doesn't feel done. Not sure what needs to happen next.

So we sit and look at each other for a while.

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