Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CraMWO Project #5: Boot Kitty

A relative gave me this old McCall's pattern. I was going to use the pattern paper for collage, but when I saw the Boot Kitty, I saw an opportunity to use up a big bag of Fiberfil sitting on my shelf. I also have to admit, boot slouching is indeed a bit of a problem in my closet, so the Kitty might actually be quite useful.

I originally cut out 3 Kitties, but I ran out of Fiberfil.
Only one lucky pair of boots will have the pleasure of being worn by Boot Kitty.


  1. I am pretty sure my mom had one of these - how old is this pattern. In fact I am sure I can find this pattern mixed in with all of her old ones. I have them tucked away in my hope chest. I need to go through them and find the ones she used to make my girls sun dresses now that I have a little niece on the way.

  2. This pattern belonged to my Great Aunt. I am thinking it is from the early 80's. Fun stuff! You need to get your patterns out and make some retro outfits for your niece!
